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The spring run, we are sill together.


Whenever spring is warm and flowers bloom, it is the time for Yong'an Guofu to join hands with Yongfu Property to run the annual ten kilometer spring race. Although spring has been particularly difficult this year, it also reminds us to cherish the spring scenery, let alone forget to exercise and maintain a healthy physique.

16732c25cbcdde370f069ad877e8140.jpgLive endlessly, exercise endlessly. In this year's special environment, our spring running activities have also been innovative - the 6th National Wealth "Cloud Spring Running" event was held on April 6th at "Home". At the same time, in order to encourage more friends to participate, we have set up a 5-kilometer mini run specifically for female colleagues in addition to the regular 10 kilometer project.07c6e00c8c8b800b0d1b6e3d6810bfe.jpg

The young friends were enthusiastic, either in the community park, by the Jiangxi Lake in Qiantang, or even during their travels, they all finished running and sent photos of their test scores. Many friends have participated in spring running activities for the first time this year and openly expressed their love for running. They hope to persist in this matter and become the norm in life.

Everyone showed confident smiles from the inside out, and their faces after exercise showed a vibrant and healthy color. This is the cultural tradition that belongs to the wealth of the country, and I think we will continue to persist.


Don't stop running,

Don't look back on your journey,

The origin is beyond attachment,

What is worth looking forward to is only the front.

——"Jack the Man"